
RetreatBoss The Podcast


von: Catherine Kontos


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Die Idee von RetreatBoss The Podcast:

When it comes to planning a retreat, there’s ways to get it to go from average to incredibly transformative. Welcome to RetreatBoss™ the podcast, where we speak about inspired travel for fun, transformation and profit. In this podcast we will discuss everything retreats. We will feature and critique the most transformational retreats and the best themed getaways. We will teach you how to best pick the best venue, and the top retreat experts for the most transformational experience. The most successful travel agents, corporate event planners, retreat planners and other experts are invited on the podcast to give us their professional advice. We welcome all wanderlust travellers and retreat leaders to join us, as we explore the many retreats of the world, all while making a 6-figure profit from planning retreats."

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