
Idiot’s Guide to Imagineering

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von: The Idiots: Stephen, Kaity, Marissa, and Jenny


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Die Idee von Idiot's Guide to Imagineering:

Step into a world of creativity with the Idiot's Guide to Imagineering podcast, exploring the past, present, and future of Imagineering through the unique perspectives of former Disney Cast Members – admittedly unqualified, yet undeniably passionate. Through the art of storytelling, we craft original concepts for attractions, restaurants, shops, hotels, lands, and parks that may never see the light of day. With immersive audio production, our goal is to transport you to new environments where imagination knows no bounds! 

And, don't miss our Magic Makers series, where we sit down with the visionaries behind the magic at Disney Parks & Resorts around the world. Their stories inspire us to keep dreaming and believing. 

Imagine with us on Instagram and TikTok (@idiotsimagineering).


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