
A girl’s guide to travelling alone

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von: Gemma Thompson


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Die Idee von A girl's guide to travelling alone:

Welcome to A Girl’s Guide to Travelling Alone! I’m Gemma Thompson and I’ve been happily travelling solo since 2002. From weekend breaks, to planning epic round-the-world trips, I’m here to help, with practical tips and advice on topics such as how to stay safe, how to decide where to go, how to avoid Delhi Belly and how to plan a worry free trip. I’ll be interviewing some amazing guests such as Wanderlust Magazine’s resident medic Dr. Jane Wilson-Howarth, adventure traveller Dave Cornthwaite and Stylist magazine travel editor Anna Hart. There will also be on-the-road city guides plus special on-location episodes such as ‘the life of the digital nomad - on the road from Lisbon’. Thanks for listening! You can read more over at"

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